Gast Andy K Geschrieben 23. April 2012 Geschrieben 23. April 2012 Hello an alle bin neue in diese Forum, bin Englander und fahren und bastelln mit Motoguzzi Mopeds Jahre lang aber jetzt will Ich eine Echte Englanderin kaufen.Habe angebote Trophy 900 neuer Verkleidung 18,000km..2700 Euro VB. Was meinen Sie alle Triumph profis? All hints and tips would be greatly appreciated.
Fogl Geschrieben 25. April 2012 Geschrieben 25. April 2012 Hello, ich habe meine 97er Trophy letztes Jahr in TOP-Zustand mit 20000 km für 2000,-€ gekauft. Ist natürlich abhängig vom Angebot, speziell wenn Du auf der Insel wohnst
Tripleman Geschrieben 25. April 2012 Geschrieben 25. April 2012 Hi Andy, First a warm welcome to THE real T 300 club, here's hoping that you're feeling allright in this community. Although i must admit that i'm Dutch, i feel at home here. To my opinion a asking price of 2700 euro's is quiet a lot of money to my point of view for a '95 Trophy 900 but as you wrote, it only did 18.000 km. When it is a very nice and good bike it might be worth it. Is there a pannier set aswell to go with the bike? That alone is worth a few hundred. Anyway, good luck with your "new" Triumph, whatever model you decide on. Are you living in Germany at the moment? Kind regards, Koos
Jochen Geschrieben 26. April 2012 Geschrieben 26. April 2012 Hi Andy ! Welcome to this forum for brainscrewed people The thing is, if you buy a cheap bike, you will have to pay a lot of hard money for missing services and damaged parts. At the end, a good T300 is always around 3500,- €. Cheap bikes mostly needs a complete service, like valve fitment, new chain kit, brake pads, oil and filter, coolant, hydraulic liquids, tyres and so on ... The ´95 motors often have a problem with damaged valve seats and the service for that is almost expensive. So let the seller show you what shims are installed at the moment. If they are under 2.60mm within this mileage, you can be shure, a cylinderhead-service will be needed latest at 60.000km. Kind regards, Jochen !
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